Wednesday, July 27, 2016

I am your friend

One of the highest compliments I can receive is that I am you friend.

Make Time for Love

Life's short and we never have enough time for the hearts of those who travel the way with us.
O, be swift to love! Make haste to be kind.

You are Magnificent

God has a magnificent purpose for YOUR life, and no one can ever take your place.

Peace and Tranquility

I will always love and protect you no matter what.

A view from the sky

No one could paint a more beautiful view than God of this scene taken from the window of an airplane.  Our Lord, still is and always will be the greatest artist ever.

New Every Morning

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning.  Llamentations 3:22-23

New every morning, how wonderful to know that God's mercies are always new, always there, always loving us new each morning.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Kindness the measure of our Society


The world's spirit, its very soul, is filled with tears.  How long can the world hold the grief of the souls of all humanity?  I wonder when I see the great waterfalls of this world are they the tears of all the souls that were not allowed to be born?  Oh Lord in Heaven, forgive us.

Love what a wonderful medicine

Hatred has no place in the heart of humanity.  Hatred destroys the heart, poisons the body and creates more of the same.  Prevent, protect and cultivate a heart where only love resides. 

Speak Softly

What the dew is to the flower, gentle words are to the soul.  Speak softly and in love to all living creatures and they will respond in kind. 

Show me Your Ways O Lord

I sometimes sit and ponder how God views things.  I was very surprised when I was reading in the bible today this " Show me Your ways O Lord".   All of a sudden I felt like I could hear not audiable but something whispered to my heart.  Mary "Show me Your ways"   I thought wow, what a challenge, what did that mean, my ways! 

  I guess I never looked at that as being important until then.  What are my ways of thinking, acting, sharing, being.  I took a good look at that today and arrived at this conclusion.

 That my ways must be built on God's truths.  And by going my own way I have only wound up doing things harder, not smarter and losing out on some very precious moments of life.

Show me your Ways.  Something for us all to ponder. 

All you Need is Heart

Say cheez! Smile

She said to just sit right here and look at the little box things she is holding and we will get a big treat later.

Change Begins with You and with a Heart full of Love

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Dream Big and than Bigger - But Always Dream

Oh So Beautiful

May we always walk in thanksgiving and amazement of the beauty and power of the universe and of the loving Almighty hand that created it.   Sincerely yours,

Hello and it is so good to be back on the blogging circuit.  Life can get so busy that we tend not to make time for the things we enjoy and love.  I love being here bringing ideas, speaking about our faith, co creating and just getting to know all those out there.   So remember to stop by and stay in touch.  Sincerely yours,

Hello All, Spirtually Speaking is Back !!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Guidance for the Asking

For help and intuitive guidance check out my website: 

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.

God always showing up just in time.

I am so thankful for God's love, His unconditional love. I would not know what I would do without my faith.  Having gone through so much heartache, without God's healing love of hope and compassion, I would not have made it.  It is by God's strength and love for us that we all can shine our light, tell our story and bring others to God's kingdom of light and love.


To be Grateful in all things, at all times, not just when life is going easy is a true test of your faith.