Friday, July 22, 2016

Show me Your Ways O Lord

I sometimes sit and ponder how God views things.  I was very surprised when I was reading in the bible today this " Show me Your ways O Lord".   All of a sudden I felt like I could hear not audiable but something whispered to my heart.  Mary "Show me Your ways"   I thought wow, what a challenge, what did that mean, my ways! 

  I guess I never looked at that as being important until then.  What are my ways of thinking, acting, sharing, being.  I took a good look at that today and arrived at this conclusion.

 That my ways must be built on God's truths.  And by going my own way I have only wound up doing things harder, not smarter and losing out on some very precious moments of life.

Show me your Ways.  Something for us all to ponder. 

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