Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Storm is a Coming

A storm called Sandy is heading to the East Coast and should hit by Sunday.  How do we prepare, well, water, batteries, can foods, pet food, rushing to buy all the things we think will keep us safe and secure.  Which we all should practice those things, of course.  But, every day there is someone who is going through a storm in their life.  Someone who is on bended knee asking God to save their child, help with finances, cure an illness, bring love back into their life.  Every day we face a challenge, a storm, a sorrow. For me before I race to the store, I race to get down on my knees and ask the Lord above to keep us in His care, to watch over each and everyone of us, daily, not just when the storms of life hit, or the physical storms of hurricanes, but each moment,  with each breath, with each heartbeat.  It is only by the Grace and Love of God will we be able to weather any storm.  God Bless, be safe.  Sincerely yours,

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