Thursday, October 25, 2012

Do not let discouragement be in control of your life today.  Look to what you have left in your life, not at what was lost.  Rebuild from a new foundation of God's strength and His love for you.  Yes, You!  Discouragement does not have to stay long in your life. Look up to God in Heaven with prayers of thanksgiving for what we still have. Don't look back at what has been.  Discouragement can have its say, but God has a greater and stronger voice during our times of troubles.  God will support us as we move forward and away from a discouraged heart.  "For God knows the plans He has for us, plans to help us, not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future."  Today look ahead and plan with God your next steps. Sincerely yours,
After the teardrops of rain leave our heart there are still rainbows.

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